Join us Friday, May 3, to Tuesday, May 7, in Chicago for the leading annual all-immunology event worldwide!
- Explore the latest developments in your field.
- Attend lectures by the world’s most prominent scientists.
- Speak with poster authors presenting their cutting-edge data.
- Network with colleagues from around the world.
There has never been a more important time for the immunology community to gather and share the latest cutting-edge science!
President’s Program
President’s Address
Friday, May 3, 5:00 PM
Skyline Ballroom W375AB
Learning Immunology from Viral Infections

Akiko Iwasaki
HHMI, Yale Sch. of Med., USA, AAI President
Ronald N. Germain
Presentation of AAI Lifetime Achievement Award
and Acknowledgement of Distinguished Fellows of AAI Class of 2024
President’s Symposium
Monday, May 6, 3:30 PM
Skyline Ballroom W375AB
The Immune System in Tissue Homeostasis and Disease

Susan M. Kaech
Salk Inst. for Bio. Sts., USA
Fueling T cell fate decisions during infection

Alexander V. Chervonsky
Univ. of Chicago, USA
External and internal insults affecting autoimmunity

Diane J. Mathis
Harvard Med. Sch., USA
Treg control of tissue homeostasis

Marc K. Jenkins
Univ. of Minnesota, USA
How antigen-specific CD4+ memory T cells form during infections
Presentation of AAI Excellence in Mentoring Award
Distinguished Lectures
Saturday, May 4, 6:00 PM
Skyline Ballroom W375AB

Christopher A. Hunter
Univ. of Pennsylvania Sch. of Vet. Med., USA
From parasites to mRNA vaccines: cytokine networks that dictate T cell tempo
Sunday, May 5, 6:00 PM
Skyline Ballroom W375AB

Marco Colonna
Washington Univ. Sch. of Med., St. Louis, USA
Innate receptors in neurodegeneration and cancer: TREM2 and beyond
Monday, May 6, 6:00 PM
Skyline Ballroom W375AB

Shannon J. Turley
Genentech, USA
Stromal regulation of immune homeostasis and inflammation
Career Award Lectures & Presentations
AAI Lifetime
Achievement Award
Friday, May 3, 5:00 PM
Skyline Ballroom W375AB

Gary A. Koretzky
Weill Cornell Med., Cornell Univ., USA
Presented prior to the President’s Address
AAI-Steinman Award for Human Immunology Research
Sunday, May 5, 2:15 PM
Skyline Ballroom W375C

Jane H. Buckner
Benaroya Res. Inst., USA
AAI Excellence
in Mentoring Award
Monday, May 6, 3:30 PM
Skyline Ballroom W375AB

Jeffrey A. Frelinger
Univ. of Arizona, USA
Presented prior to the President’s Symposium
AAI-Thermo Fisher Meritorious Career Award
Sunday, May 5, 1:15 PM
Skyline Ballroom W375D

Thirumala-Devi Kanneganti
St. Jude Children’s Res. Hosp., USA
AAI Vanguard
Monday, May 6, 1:15 PM
Skyline Ballroom W375C

Tonya J. Webb
Univ. of Maryland Sch. of Med., USA
AAI Lancefield Mid-Career Achievement Award
Saturday, May 4, 4:30 PM
Skyline Ballroom W375C

Stephanie Eisenbarth
Northwestern Univ. Feinberg Sch. of Med., USA
How the gut mucosa regulates the immune response to food allergens
Herzenberg Award
Saturday, May 4, 2:15 PM
Skyline Ballroom W375C

John C. Cambier
Univ. of Colorado Sch. of Med., USA
From conception to clinical target: the CD79 story
AAI-BD Biosciences
Investigator Award
Saturday, May 4, 1:15 PM
Skyline Ballroom W375D

Gabriel D. Victora
Rockefeller Univ., USA
Clonal and cellular dynamics of the antibody response
AAI Distinguished
Service Award
Sunday, May 5, 10:00 AM
Room W183AB

Eugene M. Oltz
Ohio State Univ. Col. of Med., USA
Presented at the Business Meeting
Saturday, May 4, 12:45 PM
Room W178

Siyuan Ding
Washington Univ., St. Louis, USA
Monday, May 6, 12:45 PM
Room W178

Weishan Huang
Major Symposia
Context Is Everything—Extrafollicular B Cell Responses: the Good and the Bad
Frances E. Lund
Univ. of Alabama, Birmingham, USA
Nicole Baumgarth
Johns Hopkins Univ. Bloomberg Sch. of Pub. Hlth., USA
Great Expectations: Immunology of Pregnancy
Sing Sing Y. Way
Cincinnati Children’s Hosp. Med. Ctr., USA
Adrian Erlebacher
Univ. of California, San Francisco, USA
Immune Responses to Chronic Viral, Bacterial, Fungal, and Parasitic Infections
Christina L. Stallings
Washington Univ. Sch. of Med., St. Louis, USA
Paul G. Thomas
St. Jude Children’s Res. Hosp., USA
Incorporating Time and Space into Multi-omic Systems Immunology Analyses
Ronald N. Germain
M. Virginia Pascual
Weill Cornell Med., USA
New Insights into Thymic Selection, Tolerance, and Regeneration
Kristin A. Hogquist
Univ. of Minnesota Med. Sch., USA
Adrian C. Hayday
King’s Col. London Faculty of Life Sci. & Med., GBR
Recent Breakthroughs and Emerging Therapeutic Strategies for Chronic Inflammatory and Fibrotic Diseases
Thomas A. Wynn
Pfizer, USA
Joanne L. Viney
Seismic Therapeut., USA
Sub-cellular Compartment Signaling in the Regulation of Immune Responses
Erika L. Pearce
Johns Hopkins Univ. Sch. of Med., USA
Will Bailis
Children’s Hosp. of Philadelphia, USA
Unleashing Targets for Novel Cancer Immunotherapies: Beyond T Cell Checkpoints
José R. Conejo-Garcia
Duke Univ. Sch. of Med., USA
Paulo C. Rodriguez
Moffitt Cancer Ctr., USA
Important Dates
Late-Breaking Abstract Submissions
Open Jan. 2, 2024
Early Registration
Opens Dec. 12, 2023
Hotel Reservations
Open May 11, 2023
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