Free Recruiting Service for Registrants and Exhibitors
Take advantage of this complimentary career resource at IMMUNOLOGY2024™. The Jobs Board service is FREE to all meeting registrants and exhibitors.
Recruiting talented immunologists?
Take advantage of the following hiring opportunities at IMMUNOLOGY2024™ and reach more than 3,000 immunologists at all career stages!
AAI will provide a complimentary job posting to any potential employer who is a registered participant or exhibitor of IMMUNOLOGY2024™.
You may advertise your position via the virtual Jobs Board on the IMMUNOLOGY2024™ website. By including a contact email, you can screen interested applicants who send a résumé or CV.
Advance Postings
Postings will remain online until May 31, 2024. Employers must have been registered participants or exhibitors at IMMUNOLOGY2024™. Advance posting closes April 19, 2024.
After April 19, 2024, employers may still advertise a job on the IMMUNOLOGY2024™ Jobs Board by visiting the AAI Office at McCormick Place between 9:00 AM and 5:00 PM. Ads submitted on-site will be posted on the Jobs Board in the Exhibit Hall.
Save thousands of dollars in recruiting expenses!