Award Presentations & Lectures
AAI is pleased to recognize the extraordinary professional achievements, service, and career promise of its members with the following awards and lectures.
Friday, May 3, 2024 5:00 PM – 6:15 PM Skyline Ballroom W375AB
AAI Lifetime Achievement Award
Akiko Iwasaki, HHMI, Yale Sch. of Med., USA, AAI President
Award Recipient

Gary A. Koretzky
Weill Cornell Med., Cornell Univ., USA
Dr. Koretzky is honored in recognition of a career of extraordinary achievement in the area of T cell signaling and for contributions to AAI and fellow immunologists.
Dr. Iwasaki will introduce the awardee and present the award immediately prior to the President’s Address.
Friday, May 3, 2024 5:00 PM – 6:15 PM Skyline Ballroom W375AB
Distinguished Fellows of AAI Class of 2024 Acknowledgment
Akiko Iwasaki, HHMI, Yale Sch. of Med., USA, AAI President
The Distinguished Fellows of AAI annually recognizes members for distinguished careers and outstanding scientific contributions as well as their service to AAI and the immunology community. It honors active, long-term members (25 or more years) who have demonstrated one or more of the following: excellence in research accomplishment in the field of immunology; exceptional leadership to the immunology community in academia, foundations, nonprofits, industry, or government at a national or international level; notable distinction as an educator.
Dr. Iwasaki will acknowledge the honorees prior to the start of the President's Address.
Saturday, May 4, 2024 12:45 PM – 1:15 PM Room W178
AAI ASPIRE Awards Lecture—Siyuan Ding
Penghua Wang, UConn Hlth.
Christopher Jondle, Western Michigan Univ. Homer Stryker MD Sch. of Med.
Award Recipient

Siyuan Ding
Washington Univ., St. Louis, USA
SAMD9 is a novel pattern recognition receptor that recognizes cytosolic double-stranded DNA and RNA
ASPIRE Awards recognize early career research accomplishments and professional promise in the field of immunology. The award lectures will be followed by brief abstract presentations on related topics.
Saturday, May 4, 2024 12:45 PM – 1:15 PM Room W179
AAI ASPIRE Awards Lecture—Chaoran Li
Nichol E. Holodick, Western Michigan Univ. Homer Stryker MD Sch. of Med.
Yee Ling Wu, Loyola Univ. Chicago
Award Recipient

Chaoran Li
Emory Univ., USA
Regulation of tissue Tregs at homeostasis and during obesity
ASPIRE Awards recognize early career research accomplishments and professional promise in the field of immunology. The award lectures will be followed by brief abstract presentations on related topics.
Saturday, May 4, 2024 1:15 PM – 2:15 PM Skyline Ballroom W375B
AAI-BD Biosciences Investigator Award Presentation and Lecture
Generously supported by BD Biosciences
Stephen Jameson, Univ. of Minnesota Med. Sch., USA, AAI Vice President
Award Recipient

Gabriel D. Victora
Rockefeller Univ., USA
Clonal and cellular dynamics of the antibody response
This award recognizes an individual for noteworthy early career achievement in immunology research.
Dr. Jameson, AAI President Akiko Iwasaki, and Robert Balderas, Vice President of Bio. Sci., BD Biosciences, will present the award immediately prior to the lecture.
Saturday, May 4, 2024 2:15 PM – 3:15 PM Skyline Ballroom W375C
AAI-BioLegend Herzenberg Award Presentation and Lecture
Generously supported by BioLegend
Joan Goverman, Univ. of Washington, USA, AAI Secretary/Treasurer
Award Recipient

John C. Cambier
Univ. of Colorado Sch. of Med., USA
From conception to clinical target: the CD79 story
Dr. Cambier is honored in recognition of exemplary research contributions that have been integral to understanding B cell receptor signaling and its modulation.
Dr. Goverman, AAI President Akiko Iwasaki, and Gene Lay, CEO, BioLegend, will present the award immediately prior to the lecture.
Saturday, May 4, 2024 4:30 PM – 5:30 PM Skyline Ballroom W375C
AAI Lancefield Mid-Career Achievement Award Presentation and Lecture
Julie M. Jameson, California State Univ., San Marcos, USA, AAI Committee on the Status of Women Chair
Award Recipient

Stephanie Eisenbarth, Northwestern Univ. Feinberg Sch. of Med., USA, How the gut mucosa regulates the immune response to food allergens
Dr. Eisenbarth is honored in recognition of her outstanding research on how innate immune activation regulates adaptive immunity and her exemplary commitment to teaching and service.
Dr. Jameson and AAI President Akiko Iwasaki will present the award immediately prior to the lecture.
Sunday, May 5, 2024 10:00 AM – 11:30 AM Room W183AB
AAI Distinguished Service Award
Loretta L. Doan, AAI Chief Executive Officer
Award Recipient

Eugene M. Oltz, Ohio State Univ. Col. of Med., USA
Dr. Oltz is recognized for outstanding service as editor-in-chief of The Journal of Immunology, 2018–2023.
AAI President Akiko Iwasaki will present the award during the AAI Business Meeting.
Sunday, May 5, 2024 10:00 AM – 11:30 AM Room W183AB
AAI ASPIRE Awards Presentations
Loretta L. Doan, AAI Chief Executive Officer
Award Recipients

Siyuan Ding
Washington Univ., St. Louis, USA

Ruth A. Franklin
Harvard Univ., USA

Weishan Huang

Chaoran Li
Emory Univ., USA

David R. Martinez
Yale Sch. of Med., USA

Zhenyu Zhong
Univ. of Texas Southwestern Med. Ctr., USA
These awards recognize early career research accomplishments and professional promise in the field of immunology.
AAI President Akiko Iwasaki will present these awards during the AAI Business Meeting.
Sunday, May 5, 2024 12:45 PM – 1:15 PM Room W178
AAI ASPIRE Awards Lecture—David R. Martinez
Catarina Hioe, Icahn Sch. of Med., Mount Sinai
Justin Richner, Univ. of Illinois, Chicago
Award Recipient

David R. Martinez
Yale Sch. of Med., USA
Immunologic approaches to emerging and re-emerging RNA viruses
ASPIRE Awards recognize early career research accomplishments and professional promise in the field of immunology. The award lectures will be followed by brief abstract presentations on related topics.
Sunday, May 5, 2024 12:45 PM – 1:15 PM Room W179
AAI ASPIRE Awards Lecture—Ruth A. Franklin
Katrin Mayer-Barber, NIAID, NIH, USA
Christopher A. Hunter, Univ. of Pennsylvania Sch. of Vet. Med., USA
Award Recipient

Ruth A. Franklin
Harvard Univ., USA
Regulation of inflammatory responses by macrophages in the lung
ASPIRE Awards recognize early career research accomplishments and professional promise in the field of immunology. The award lectures will be followed by brief abstract presentations on related topics.
Sunday, May 5, 2024 1:15 PM – 2:15 PM Skyline Ballroom W375B
AAI-Thermo Fisher Meritorious Career Award Presentation and Lecture
Generously supported by Thermo Fisher Scientific
Stephen Jameson, Univ. of Minnesota Med. Sch., USA, AAI Vice President
Award Recipient

Thirumala-Devi Kanneganti
St. Jude Children's Res. Hosp., USA
Molecular mechanisms of innate immunity and cell death in health and disease
This award recognizes a mid-career scientist for exceptional research contributions to the field of immunology.
Dr. Jameson, AAI President Akiko Iwasaki, and Chris Langsdorf, Global Product Manager, Thermo Fisher Scientific, will present the award immediately prior to the lecture.
Sunday, May 5, 2024 2:15 PM – 3:15 PM Ballroom W375C
AAI-Steinman Award for Human Immunology Research Presentation and Lecture
Mark Davis, HHMI, Stanford Univ. Sch. of Med., USA, AAI Past President
Award Recipient

Jane H. Buckner
Benaroya Res. Inst., USA
Embracing complexity in human immunology: creating tools to dissect the mechanisms underlying autoimmune diseases
Dr. Buckner is honored in recognition of significant contributions to defining and characterizing the genetic basis of human autoimmunity.
Dr. Davis will introduce the awardee and present the award immediately prior to the lecture.
Monday, May 6, 2024 12:45 PM – 1:15 PM Room W178
AAI ASPIRE Awards Lecture—Weishan Huang
Ross Kedl, Univ. of Colorado Anschutz Med. Campus
Ken Oestreich, Ohio State Univ. Col. of Med.
Award Recipient

Weishan Huang
ITK signaling in CD8 T cell homeostasis
ASPIRE Awards recognize early career research accomplishments and professional promise in the field of immunology. The award lectures will be followed by brief abstract presentations on related topics.
Monday, May 6, 2024 12:45 PM – 1:15 PM Room W179
AAI ASPIRE Awards Lecture—Zhenyu Zhong
Naeha Subramanian, Inst. for Sys. Bio., USA
Shanjana Awasthi, Univ. of Oklahoma Hlth. Sci. Ctr., USA
Award Recipient

Zhenyu Zhong
Univ. of Texas Southwestern Med. Ctr., USA
Mitochondrial control of inflammation
ASPIRE Awards recognize early career research accomplishments and professional promise in the field of immunology. The award lectures will be followed by brief abstract presentations on related topics.
Monday, May 6, 2024 1:15 PM – 2:15 PM Skyline Ballroom W375C
AAI Vanguard Award Presentation and Lecture
Sponsored by the AAI Minority Affairs Committee
Generously supported by the Yale Department of Immunobiology
Luis J. Montaner, Wistar Inst., AAI Minority Affairs Committee Chair
Award Recipient

Tonya J. Webb
Univ. of Maryland Sch. of Med., USA
Modulating NKT cells for cancer immunotherapy
In recognition of research achievement and exemplary career success by an underrepresented investigator
Dr. Montaner and AAI President Akiko Iwasaki will present the award immediately prior to the lecture.
Monday, May 6, 2024 3:30 PM – 5:30 PM Skyline Ballroom W375AB
AAI Excellence in Mentoring Award
Akiko Iwasaki, HHMI, Yale Sch. of Med., USA, AAI President
Award Recipient

Jeffrey A. Frelinger
Univ. of Arizona, USA
Dr. Frelinger is honored in recognition of his dedication to the profession through outstanding mentoring of more than 50 doctoral and postdoctoral trainees.
Dr. Iwasaki, Dr. Gail A. Bishop, Univ. of Iowa, USA, and Dr. Jenny P.-Y. Ting, Univ. of North Carolina, Chapel Hill, USA, will introduce the awardee and present the award immediately prior to the President’s Symposium.