Sunday, May 5, 2024 9:30 AM – 10:15 AM ET Exhibitor Workshop Room 3
Bruker Vutara VXL: Super-Resolution Microscopy for Immunology

Winfried Wiegraebe, Product Manager, Super-Resolution Microscopy, Bruker
Super-resolution microscopy techniques such as PALM, dSTORM, and DNA-PAINT, allow us to see structures smaller than the diffraction limit at a resolution crucial in immunology. The Bruker Vutara VXL microscope can help uncover these mysteries at the coverslip and within tissue. It uses single-molecule localization microscopy (SMLM) principles, with a patented bi-plane technology for super-resolution z-stacks. It includes integrated fluidics for multiplexing and two cameras for multi-color imaging. The Vutara SRX software guides users through experiments and provides tools for analysis.