Sunday, May 5, 2024 9:30 AM – 11:30 AM ET Skyline Ballroom W375E
Funding Spotlight: Translating Academic Research to Industry (Panel Discussion and Networking)
Sponsored by the AAI Clinical Immunology Committee
Networking reception generously supported by JDRF
Erica L. Stone, GigaGen, AAI Clinical Immunology Committee Chair
Joshua A. Vieth, JDRF
Mira Chaurushiya, Westlake Village BioPartners
Judy Chou, AltruBio
Jeffrey Hubbell, Univ. of Chicago, USA
Will Orent, JDRF T1D Fund
How do you move your translational research into industry? This panel will discuss different stages of research development and funding. Stay after the panel discussion to network with attendees and panelists!