Saturday, May 4, 2024 9:15 AM – 11:15 AM ET Room W180
Immunology Teaching Interest Group: Enhancing Your Immunology Teaching
Sponsored by the AAI Education Committee
John K. Cusick, California Northstate Univ., USA
Michelle Snyder, Towson Univ., USA
William H. Carr, Medgar Evers Col., CUNY, USA, Gaps in undergraduate usage of an immunology course-based social media toolkit for evaluating the validity of X (formerly known as Twitter) and/or Facebook posts about vaccines
Raffaella Ghittoni, Univ. of Southern California, USA, Opsonins as sugar sprinkles and B cells as music DJs? Effective examples of analogies used as a pedagogical tool in immunology education
Brian K. Martin, Idaho Col. of Osteopathic Med., USA, Alignment of objectives and identification of curricular gaps in immunology at a U.S. osteopathic medical school
Aimee Pugh-Bernard, Univ. of Colorado Anschutz Med. Campus, USA, Super hero or super villain? AI as a tool for teaching and learning
Breakout Session Leaders
Stephanie James, Regis Univ., USA, Using team-based learning to teach immunology online?!
Jastaranpreet Singh, Univ. of Toronto, CAN, Context matters as immunologists navigate the immuno-statistical landscape
Maria Tokuyama, Univ. of British Columbia, CAN, Breaking through the immunology jargon in large classrooms using BINGO*
Are you looking for new ideas or strategies to enliven and improve your teaching? If so, please join us for this special interest group, which will focus on strategies that instructors can use to successfully convey immunology concepts to students at the undergraduate and graduate level. The session will explore teaching strategies through talks and structured breakout discussion groups. Current educators, new faculty, and trainees with an interest in teaching are welcome.
*Bring your laptop to get the most out of this breakout session!