Saturday, May 4, 2024 2:15 PM – 3:00 PM ET Exhibitor Workshop Room 3
Next-Generation Tools to Advance Your Human T Cell Research

Amanda Durkin, Ph.D., Product Manager, Immunology, STEMCELL Technologies Inc.
Manreet Chehal, Ph.D., Scientist, STEMCELL Technologies Inc.
Due to their central role in the adaptive immune response to cancer and foreign pathogens, T cells are a focal point of fundamental and translational research. To remain ahead in these constantly changing fields, it is crucial to implement more efficient and scalable processes. Join this workshop to learn about next-generation T cell isolation and expansion tools from STEMCELL Technologies that can streamline your research. We’ll feature the Easy 250 EasySep™ magnet for efficient large-volume, column-free cell isolation, and new cGMP ImmunoCult™ products to activate and expand T cells.
STEMCELL Technologies Inc.