Sunday, May 5, 2024 9:30 AM – 10:15 AM ET Exhibitor Workshop Room 2
Seromics: A New Frontier of Immune Biomarkers and Druggable Target Discovery

Tyler Hulett, Ph.D., Chief Scientific Officer, CDI Labs
Each individual’s serome is incredibly unique, complex, and yet accessible via proteome microarrays (HuProt), phage-display immunoprecipitation sequencing (PhIP-Seq, HuScan, VirScan), and other new synthetic biology platforms. Seromics experiments have revealed a viral-induced autoimmune cause of multiple sclerosis, pre-treatment autoantibodies associated with checkpoint blockade immunotherapy outcomes, and the demonstration that autoantibodies can mimic inborn errors of immunity – genetic-knockout-like phenotypes only discoverable via antibody profiling.
CDI Labs